The Heart of the Congregation
The motherhouse is the heart of a religious congregation.
It is the source of its life-blood. All flows both to it and from it. At the motherhouse are concentrated the wisest and most experienced of its children, and from this wellspring the new religious draw the waters of life. There, the traditions and spirit of the congregation are maintained in their utmost purity. From it, as from a fountain, proceeds the spirit which must animate and unite all its members into a force of good influence.
Every member of the congregation looks to the motherhouse. It is the cradle of her vocation, the fountain of her strength, the object of her affection. At the motherhouse, the fresh recruits of the community are formed, nurtured, and cultivated into pillars of strength. At the motherhouse the Sisters are renewed in fervor and courage to soar to ever higher heights of perfection, to fight the good fight, to win souls every day. From the motherhouse issue forth the Sisters who will go forth “to teach all nations”, to win youth to the standard of morality.
The first phase of the work includes immediate housing and essential rooms and workspaces.
Plans permit a
second phase, which will provide further bedrooms and the larger common rooms necessary with future growth.

Phase 1 has a nine-month completion goal.
By the grace of God, we will move into the new building in September 2019.
A New School
At first thought, it would seem that an online academy would mean a smaller academy. Who needs classroom space when their students are on a screen? But the virtual school actually demands more classrooms. And here is why. In the virtual setting, every classroom becomes a video-conferencing room. Each grade must have its dedicated video and audio system. Each room must be sufficiently “sound-proof” to prevent interference or disruption from other classrooms. The building at 20120 Barnett is unable to meet these demands. It is lacking in the space and efficiency to support and further the virtual environment.

With the opening of the online academy, an immense field of labor unfolds for our Sisters. We are filling requests from California to Michigan and even venturing to far-off Australia. Each year sees a 30% increase in student numbers. Being a teaching Sister no longer means serving this or that mission in this or that country. With a new school and cutting-edge technology, we can bring the whole world of children within our walls and within our reach.
It will have an auditorium where all our students all over the world can meet and participate in speeches, concerts, debates, graduations, and other events.
It will be built upon an acreage where playing fields, quiet walks, and the beauties of nature will all meet to help the young pupil to meet his mark.

Please Help Us Build a New School.

The New Chapel
is being built in the Gothic style.

Gothic is not Gothic without stained Glass.
The glory of the Sainte Chapelle, the glimmering interior of Notre Dame, the heavenly atmosphere of Amiens, the beauty of all these structures is in their paneled gems of glass.
In 2014, the Sisters were fortunate to locate a set of stained glass windows produced by Franz Mayer & Co., a German company based in Munich. These pieces of art were made in the 1890s.
A month later a smaller collection was found. This set was crafted by Lavers, Barraud and Westlake, an English firm that produced stained glass windows from 1855 to 1921.
We thank all those who have purchased a window. As of February 2019, both complete sets of windows have been purchased by generous donors.

Dollars and Cents
In days of old, religious leaders would appeal to others in their fight to spread good and overcome evil. Individual gifts were necessary, such as that given by King John of England for the rebuilding of Rouen Cathedral in 1202. The king offered 10% of his yearly income to assist in the project. But smaller donations were more common. And it can truly be said that the wondrous structures that today regale our eyes would not be standing were it not for the gifts of disinterested men and women.
These generous contributors gave for one simple reason. A building is not just bricks and mortar. A building is a monument. A standard. A building reflects the ideals and aspirations of those it houses. It breathes inspiration and life into those it nurtures. It speaks to all who gaze upon it of quality and values. It elevates people to strive for something higher.
Today, the great edifices of the past stand, a silent witness to the self-sacrifice of those who erected them. The stones of Westminster, the soaring spires of the Hagia Sophia speak more eloquently than any words, an all-important lesson - the heart that gives to others is a noble heart.
Charity is not a thing of the past, and donors today are proving it. The generosity of our major benefactors has shown itself sterling. We have the bulk of the money needed to complete our project. But additional help is necessary.
We are appealing to all our supporters far and wide, rich and poor to give of themselves to our undertaking.
will further our good cause.
can make a world of difference.
Donor Recognition Levels